Would you like to trade goods and services with other businesses? Check out the listings below of EDGE businesses willing to trade goods and services in packages of $100, $250, and $500. Note that these exchanges are entirely between you and the business listed, so please contact them directly at the phone or email provided.

If you are an EBDA member wishing to be placed on this directory, scroll to bottom for the registration form.

Happy Trading!



With a goal to help our business community, we offer this platform to list available business-to-business bartering of goods and services. If you’re an EBDA business member who would like to list your goods or services in our directory, it’s FREE for you to do so. All that’s required is completing the registration form below and complying with the rules on the form. Here are some additional details before you start:

Our platform will list your business and the goods or services you’re willing to barter with other businesses in packages of $100, $250, and/or $500. You don’t have to list in all three categories – you can choose to list just one or two of those valued packages, if you wish. But please be as specific as you can in identifying those goods or services in each package, including retail or market value, brands, specs, quantities, etc.

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