Volunteers are the engines that drive our community!
The EDGE District is a Main Street, which means that it is an organized community of volunteers dedicated to keeping the district vibrant, relevant, sustaining, and a truly great place to live, work, and play. Our volunteers work on district improvement projects, serve on committees, help with events, or assist the EDGE BDA in other meaningful ways.
Why do Main Streets matter? Main Streets are historic downtown districts, the heart and core of the community. They tell us who we are, and who we were, and how the past has shaped us. They reflect a rich history of people coming together to live, to work, and to build on a shared vision.
What are ways in which YOU could help?
If you’d like to help us in any of these ways, just email us at info@edgedistrict.org and indicate your area of interest, how many hours you’d like to help, and your contact information. If we have an upcoming event with particular shifts, we’ll also have that information below for you with an easy online signup button. Thank you for your help!
P.O. Box 15026
Saint Petersburg, FL 33733